24 January 2022

Archival Materials Suppliers

 Some genealogists use conservation and archival products products to store a host of rare family artifacts. Many of these items include photos, books, folios, maps, newspaper articles, and miscellaneous ephemera. Even though grandma or a distant cousin is the owner and holder of this old family stuff, these materials should be stored in a proper manner. Much of this material is probably a one-of-a kind find. If it is destroyed, even by accident, it is gone forever. Why not store your rare family items in the proper boxes and or albums.

 Most of us have been to libraries and archives for onsite research. We have seen the storage materials and holders that the repositories use to hold items in its collection. For your information you can also purchase these items. These products are not cheap but as the saying goes, you get what you pay for! You just need to know where to look. BTW, if your family photos are stored in those magnetic photo albums from the 1980s. They seemed great at the time but do a little online research and you will find that they are not good for your photos. Get em out and into the proper album. Please do not wait.

 So where do you find these archival storage boxes? Below is a listing of online vendors who carry these products. I am not endorsing any of these online vendors; but I have purchased from them in the past without issue.

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