28 March 2019

March 2019 Update for the Friends of the Evangelical Protestant Cemetery

The following article is posted on the blog for the Friends of the Evangelical Protestant Cemetery. It is the latest update for what is planned.

Just a couple of days ago I took a ride through the Evangelical Protestant Cemetery. Unfortunately some gravestones have sustained some damage over the Winter. This adds a few more gravestones to the list that need attention. One such additional stone is that for the Civil War veteran that someone knocked over when his or her car was driven over the curb and into the cemetery. Plastic pieces of the car still remain at the site.

If all goes well, work will begin in the cemetery within two weeks. There are no set days for when the work will begin. Everything is weather, family, and work commitment dependent. We mentioned once before; there are approximately one hundred gravestones that need attention. Most are small and medium stones. However there are enough larger ones to keep us busy. Obviously we can upright more smaller stones in one day than the larger ones.

It is our desire to have the cemetery restoration project completed by the Fall of this year. If you are in the neighborhood of the cemetery, stop in to say hello, or to roll up your sleeves and join in with the project. Help will never be turned down.

22 March 2019

New Netherland Family History Day

Save the date: Thursday 30 May 2019 the New Netherland Institute (NNI)will host its first New Netherland Family History Day in Albany at the Cultural Education Center on Madison Avenue.

Descendants of the original New Netherland colonists are a large segment of the NNI membership. Therefore this program will enable descendants learn about resources on New Netherland.

The program is not yet finalized. Registration will open at the end of March. Genealogical, historical, and lineage societies are invited to rent tables where their information and goods can be distributed and or sold.

Individuals interested in giving a short presentation at the event are asked to send an email to nni@newnetherlandinstitute.org

21 March 2019

Slingerlands Vault Update

Wow, how time flies! Went to Salt Lake City for RootsTech and have been playing catch-up ever since. First post in quite a while. Life and work have been in the way of my genealogy pursuits, etc. Looking forward to doing many updates. Here is the first of more to come.

In today's online Times Union there is an update on the progress of the Slingerland Vault on New Scotland Road behind the former Mangia restaurant. A link to the story can be found here.